Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Introduction

Hello World,

This is my first attempt at blogging so please bear with me. I decided to start this blog so that I can free some of my feelings and thoughts, and basically clear them off of my chest.

First, allow me to introduce myself. I am a 30 year old father of two (though I only really see one of my kids, which I am sure will become a very clear story over time and a major subject of my blog). I have a wonderful girlfriend who accepts me for all of my flaws, which is hard to say nowadays.

Second, I vow that this will be a honest and open place to air your opinions (if there are any :) ) My daughter's mother (the main reason for me starting this blog) likes to remove comments that paint her in an unfair light, so I wanted to allow the truth to come out. Even if only I read this, at least I will be able to remove the disgust and grime from my life in some way.

Third, I am not the nicest person in the world. I may offend you, I may upset you, but I will ALWAYS respect your RIGHT to have an opinion. I served in the United States Marine Corps for four years, and truly feel that part of my decision to serve was to ensure that every citizen of this country is allowed the right to have an opinion.

Next, I will brag about my kid... I just will. I hope you guys do too!! Kids are the only truly innocent people in this world, and should be considered a joy in everyone's life. (Unless you don't like kids, then hey... sorry.. but it's how I feel :) )

Welcome to my area of thought. Please feel free to judge me however you choose, but make sure you can take what you dish out :)

1 comment:

  1. Well my dear son I will be commenting alot on your wonderful blog. I hope you understand how very very proud we are of you for your service to our country and your service to your family including both of your children. I hope many people (especially the fathers who NEVER get enough credit for being great fathers) write on here and share their stories also. Knowing you as well as I do.....this blog will give many people a place of sharing. You, in return, will give that shoulder they so desperately need to hear them. I know you will find many friends here and the ones that choose to bash (oh I always say consider the source). I hope alot of love find this great blog and I wish you and your viewers alot of positiveness each day.
